We needed to clean everything out of the fridge and we couldn't let anything go to waste so what we couldn't pack we had to eat or drink.
While Pam and I finished packing the guys headed over to Dappermarket to pick up our last sandwiches from our new fast food owner/operator friend. He has risen to the #1 market food stand in the Amsterdam area, with the magazine article to prove it. As most successful businessmen have there is a woman behind him ensuring his success.
Then it was time to leave. So with saddened hearts we locked up the houseboat and headed down the road with all our luggage.
We had our first breakdown on our way to the train station.
So we had a pit stop to switch bags around.
Then we were good to go.
We stopped and ate lunch by the river.
Pam decided she would like to get a coffee. If you look close you can see it.
We headed on to the station and then suddenly the skies opened up and poured on us and at that moment it became every man/woman for themselves. Which left Mike in the back looking through the suitcase for his coat but what he then realized is that at the pit stop he had changed that one and now Pam had it and she was long gone. The plan had originally been that Mike would sit outside and watch the suitcases while the rest of us went shopping but I decided I didn't need my ornament that bad. So we went and sat at the train station.
We boarded the train for a 16 hour overnight adventure. What we learned from this adventure is pay the extra money and get a bed not the reclining seats that really don't recline.
By the time I go, you'll have all of this perfected! What an adventure!