There were some great views from the windows and the terrace.
Roger thought he might be able to hatch this egg while he pondered what he had just seen inside the museum.
We all pondered why the water from this fountain was going into a bucket, when a man came and got it and put another bucket under the stream of water and then walked back into a restaurant with the full bucket. We decided we didn't want to eat there tonight.
As we were walking back to the hotel we saw this cool little shop that sold all sorts of wood toys.
Pam and I took advantage of the opportunity to take a picture with a very famous puppet boy. We picked up a Prosciiutto & mozzarella Calazone for lunch on the way back to the hotel. It is time to hibernate and catch up with all that is going on back at home. So Pam, Roger and I are now all sitting in the lobby of our hotel because it is the only good place to get the wifi to keep working.
I'd have a hard time getting out of that toy shop without buying something! Cute stuff!