We then headed out for our 10:00 appt. for a massage, sugar scrub & body butter treatment
at the Chi Asian Spa. It was a wonderful 2 1/2 hr. experience that I hope to have again.
The other thing we always do is visit a Costco in the town we visit. We bought some Pallini Limoncello because it had two cute shot glasses.
We also had to go to Bass Pro Shops so Roger could buy a clip for his .22. We lucked out because no sooner had we walked inside it started down pouring and when we were done it was all sunshine again.
We then went looking for iguanas since this is where we saw a huge one a few years ago and sure enough we found one.
It was a small one in comparison but I wouldn't want it sneaking up on me.
Then we got eaten by a shark.
LOL! The legs sticking out are the best!